
This political blog will share the politics behind the hidden agendas associated with big business, the military industrial complex, global elites, and other special interests. Obviously, individual freedom in America can not be achieved if these hidden agendas are implemented in part or full. In many cases, it will be shown that this type of political behavior will only serve this interests of a few at the expense of the rest of Americans. This political blog will also look at other relevant political discussions that shape or control our society.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Is this coming to a neighborhood near you?


The False Right Left Paradigm

I thought that you might find this article interesting. Kevin Newsom really illustrates the problem today with the right and left politics:

By Kevin Newsom
The American culture of today is being assaulted along the same lines that Caesar and Hitler used long ago, and Americans are falling prey to such tactics in growing numbers with every passing hour. We are truly a divided people, who agree or disagree along party, ethnic, racial and religious lines. Much like the priests of centuries past, no decision can be made without first consulting our appointed political or social “leaders”. We take sides with differing factions within our country, arguing about single issues that are presented to us and whose sole purpose is to divide us into isolated groups. Instead of meaningful debate about the future of our nation, we receive only distractions. We thirst for truth, meaning, and freedom, but instead find ourselves wandering through the desert of distraction and confusion. We seek leaders, but only receive figureheads. We have ceased being Americans. We are conservatives or liberals. We are environmentalists or corporate interests, Catholics or Protestants, hawks or doves, black or white. The people of America are divided among many lines, ultimately under the confines of a system of right and left. Much like the German people of the 1930s, we are isolated from clear perspective. Much like the beleaguered Celts, we are so distracted by civil war of right and left, we aren’t aware of our country vanishing before our eyes. The truth is, there is no right or left. There is only right and wrong.

BOOK REVIEW: Ron Paul Tells How to Eliminate America's Imperial Government in 'The Revolution'

This is a pretty good article that you might find interesting about the Ron Paul's new book, "The Revolution":


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Economic Fascism and Tax Slavery

This article gets it right in my opinion. America is clearly fascist and not capitalist based on these definitions:

Fascism -- a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. (The state has power over every aspect of the economy to plan and regulate its workings. The factors of production are owned privately, but controlled by the gov­erning authorities as to what and how they are to produce, and what level of profits they are to retain.)

Capitalism -- an economic system characterized by private or corpor­ate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by pri­vate decision rather than by state control, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. (The state is neither to own nor operate the factors of production, nor to interfere in the peaceful decisions of their operation, leaving them to be controlled by the natural laws such as supply and demand that operate within the marketplace.)

Here's the article by Nelson Hultberg (May 27, 2003):


Grand Jury Indicts Alaska Senator

Well, it's about time that the Grand Jury is being used to set the government straight:


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Independence Day: Let Us Remember Who We Are

Kucinich gives a good speech in this video about America and who we are:


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Drug laws are unconstitutional

This man nails it! The people that passed the drugs laws knew exactly what the effects on society would be:


Top Rocket Scientist: No Evidence CO2 Causes Global Warming

Dr. David Evans disputes claims that CO2 is causing global warming:


ACLU: 'Mukasey calls on Congress to subvert Constitution'

This is absolutely unbelievable. Has this man ever heard of treason:


Monday, July 21, 2008

Fascism, Anti-Fascism, and the Welfare State

The following video explains the dangers of fascism from a historical perspective:


Friday, July 18, 2008

Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order

Here's the whole interview with Aaron Russo. He explains how America is being manipulated by the elites to benefit them at the expense of all Americans:


The Global Warming Scam

Interesting perspective on the global warming issue:


Thursday, July 17, 2008

George Bush vs Geneva Convention

Is he kidding? So let me get this straight. Bush needs to rewrite the Geneva Convention so he can continue torturing POWs:


The Bush White House

Here are few things that went on with the Bush White House that was listed from a blogger that I just discovered today:

"Let me remind everyone what happened under the Bush Tyranny:
1.) Wiretapping
2.) illegal firing of lawyers who work for the attorney general’s office (non-bushies)
3.) letting people fend for themselves after the levies broke
4.) Not acting quick enough to lessen the damage of Katrina
5.) Not promoting the GI Bill that gives educational benefits to our war veterans
6.) Valerie Plame incident, CIA leak case with Scooter Libby
7.) Shooting a buddy in the face while hunting
8.) Ties to Enron, Alberto Gonzalez and Bush
9.) Rigging the YR 2000 election yr to win
10.) Using up all our nation’s budget leading to huge debt
11.) IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ: fake story to raise interest in invading Iraq for false reasons. Falsifying intelligence reports.
the list goes on!"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Neo-Cons - PART 1 of 3

Webster Tarpley does a pretty job of explaining the neo-con agenda:


Karl Rove Avoids Subpoena by Fleeing the Country

Karl Rove flees the country:



I guess we have our answer regarding the political nature of the firings of the US attorneys. Listen to how deceptive this man is in this youtube video:


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Income Tax Truth Tom Cryer

The government is scamming you by making you pay the income tax:


This man can see through the smoke and mirrors of the IRS nonsense:


Bush is a Fascist!

Olbermann nails Bush to the wall:


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Real ID - A Real Nightmare

This is nuts!


US CODE, TITLE 42, 1983

Are you tired of your rights being violated? Take civil action for deprivation of rights:


Constitution Class By Michael Badnarik (1/7)

Here's a great youtube video that explains the constitution in detail:


new executive order 13438 you have no rights

This is a trick by the Bush Administration:


"Don't be frightened by this. It is intended to silence you. Your freedom of speech is protected by fundamental law specifically guaranteed by the First Amendment. Our rights can not be taken or lost - only violated. It is a trick. Laws conflicting with the Constitution are illegal and void. Now is the time to speak out against criminal acts and defend you rights. Don't let them frighten you into submission. Demand what is right." - David

Want some torture with your peanuts?

Good article from the Washington post:


Thursday, July 10, 2008


There's a line in the sand and the government doesn't have the authority to cross it:


Stand up and be counted

Cast your vote today! It's over one million people now:


Impeach Now!

Nancy does a good job of explaining the impeachment process and evidence against President Bush:


Rep. Betty Hall's call for Impeachment !

Betty Hall calls for impeachment in this youtube video:


This is a brave women.

ARE Americans practicing Communism?

Here's a good article on Communism. It's important to understand the enemy from within:


Kelo v. City of New London

Do you believe in property rights? On June 23, 2005, the Supreme Court ruled in Kelo v. New London that government can take your property at any time for any reason whether you like it or not.


Rove ignores subpoena, refuses to testify

By BEN EVANS, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Former White House adviser Karl Rove defied a congressional subpoena and refused to testify Thursday about allegations of political pressure at the Justice Department, including whether he influenced the prosecution of a former Democratic governor of Alabama.

Rep. Linda Sanchez, chairman of a House subcommittee, ruled with backing from fellow Democrats on the panel that Rove was breaking the law by refusing to cooperate — perhaps the first step toward holding him in contempt of Congress.
Lawmakers subpoenaed Rove in May in an effort to force him to talk about whether he played a role in prosecutors' decisions to pursue cases against Democrats, such as former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, or in firing federal prosecutors considered disloyal to the Bush administration.
Rove had been scheduled to appear at the House Judiciary subcommittee hearing Thursday morning. A placard with his name sat in front of an empty chair at the witness table, with a handful of protesters behind it calling for Rove to be arrested.
A decision on whether to pursue contempt charges now goes to the full Judiciary Committee and ultimately to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
House Republicans called Thursday's proceedings a political stunt and said if Democrats truly wanted information they would take Rove up on an offer he made to discuss the matter informally.
The House already has voted to hold two of President Bush's confidants in contempt for failing to cooperate with its inquiry into whether the administration fired nine federal prosecutors in 2006 for political reasons.
The case, involving White House chief of staff Josh Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers, is in federal court and may not be resolved before Bush's term ends in January.
The White House has cited executive privilege, arguing that internal administration communications are confidential and that Congress cannot compel officials to testify.
Rove says he is bound to follow the White House's guidance, although he has offered to answer questions specifically on the Siegelman case — but only with no transcript taken and not under oath.
Democrats have rejected the offer because the testimony would not be sworn and, they say, could create a confusing record.
Rove has insisted publicly that he never tried to influence Justice Department decisions and was not even aware of the Siegelman prosecution until it landed in the news.
Siegelman — an unusually successful Democrat in a heavily Republican state — was charged with accepting and concealing a contribution to his campaign to start a state education lottery, in exchange for appointing a hospital executive to a regulatory board.
He was sentenced last year to more than seven years in prison but was released in March when a federal appeals court ruled Siegelman had raised "substantial questions of fact and law" in his appeal.
Siegelman and others have alleged the prosecution was pushed by GOP operatives — including Rove, a longtime Texas strategist who was heavily involved in Alabama politics before working at the White House. A former Republican campaign volunteer from Alabama told congressional attorneys last year that she overheard conversations suggesting that Rove pressed Justice officials in Washington to prosecute Siegelman.
The career prosecutors who handled Siegelman's case have insisted that Rove had nothing to do with it, emphasizing that the former governor was convicted by a jury.

You have Rights; the Government has Privileges

Here's an interesting video about the constitution and the "Military Commissions Act". People should be in the streets protesting:


2nd Amendment ruling

What are your thoughts on the 2nd amendment ruling? Here's a good youtube video explaining it:



Dennis Kucinich addressed the House of Representatives in June with the following articles of impeachment for Bush:


Should President Bush be impeached? What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Senate passes telecom immunity, eavesdropping regs

WASHINGTON - The Senate approved and sent to the White House a bill overhauling controversial rules on secret government eavesdropping Wednesday, bowing to President Bush's demand to protect telecommunications companies from lawsuits complaining they helped the U.S. spy on Americans.
The relatively one-sided vote, 69-28, came only after a lengthy and bitter debate that pitted privacy and civil liberties concerns against the desire to prevent terrorist attacks. It ended almost a year of wrangling over surveillance rules and the president's warrantless wiretapping program that was initiated after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The House passed the same bill last month, and President Bush is expected to sign it soon. He scheduled a 4 p.m. EDT White House statement to praise the passage.
The long fight on Capitol Hill centered on one main question: whether to shield from civil lawsuits any telecommunications companies that helped the government eavesdrop on American phone and computer lines without the permission or knowledge of a secret court created by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
The White House had threatened to veto the bill unless it immunized companies such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. from wiretapping lawsuits. About 40 such lawsuits have been filed, and all are pending before a single U.S. District court.
Numerous lawmakers had spoken out strongly against the no-warrants eavesdropping on Americans, but the Senate voted its approval after rejecting amendments that would have watered down, delayed or stripped away the immunity provision.
The lawsuits center on allegations that the White House circumvented U.S. law by going around the FISA court, which was created 30 years ago to prevent the government from abusing its surveillance powers for political purposes, as was done in the Vietnam War and Watergate eras. The court is meant to approve all wiretaps placed inside the U.S. for intelligence-gathering purposes. The law has been interpreted to include international e-mail records stored on servers inside the U.S.
"This president broke the law," declared Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis.
The Bush administration brought the wiretapping back under the FISA court's authority only after The New York Times revealed the existence of the secret program. A handful of members of Congress knew about the program from top secret briefings. Most members are still forbidden to know the details of the classified effort, and some objected that they were being asked to grant immunity to the telecoms without first knowing what they did.
Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Arlen Specter compared the Senate vote to buying a "pig in a poke."
But Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., one of the bill's most vocal champions, said, "This is the balance we need to protect our civil liberties without handcuffing our terror-fighters."
Just under a third of the Senate, including Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, supported an amendment that would have stripped immunity from the bill. They were defeated on a 66-32 vote. Republican rival John McCain did not attend the vote.
Obama ended up voting for the final bill, as did Specter. Feingold voted no.
The bill tries to address concerns about the legality of warrantless wiretapping by requiring inspectors general inside the government to conduct a yearlong investigation into the program.
The measure effectively dismisses about 40 lawsuits that have been bundled together. But at least three other lawsuits against government officials will go forward.
In one of those cases last week, a judge decided that surveillance laws trumped the government's claim that state secrets were imperiled by the lawsuit. However, the judge said the plaintiff could not use classified government documents it had accidentally received to prove it was subjected to illegal eavesdropping. It must instead use unclassified information to show it was wiretapped without court approval. FISA makes provisions for the use of secret evidence once a case is accepted.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a California civil rights organization, intends to challenge the constitutionality of the immunity provision.
Beyond immunity, the new surveillance bill also sets new rules for government eavesdropping. Some of them would tighten the reins on current government surveillance activities, but others would loosen them compared with a law passed 30 years ago.
For example, it would require the government to get FISA court approval before it eavesdrops on an American overseas. Currently, the attorney general approves that electronic surveillance on his own.
The bill also would allow the government to obtain broad, yearlong intercept orders from the FISA court that target foreign groups and people, raising the prospect that communications with innocent Americans would be swept in. The court would approve how the government chooses the targets and how the intercepted American communications would be protected.
The original FISA law required the government to get wiretapping warrants for each individual targeted from inside the United States, on the rationale that most communications inside the U.S. would involve Americans whose civil liberties must be protected. But technology has changed. Purely foreign communications increasingly pass through U.S. wires and sit on American computer servers, and the law has required court orders to be obtained to access those as well.
The bill would give the government a week to conduct a wiretap in an emergency before it must apply for a court order. The original law said three days.
The bill restates that the FISA law is the only means by which wiretapping for intelligence purposes can be conducted inside the United States. This is meant to prevent a repeat of warrantless wiretapping by future administrations.
The bill is very much a political compromise, brought about by a deadline: Wiretapping orders authorized last year will begin to expire in August. Without a new bill, the government would go back to old FISA rules, requiring multiple new orders and potential delays to continue those intercepts. That is something most of Congress did not want to see happen, particularly in an election year.
The American Civil Liberties Union, which is party to some of the lawsuits that will now be dismissed, said the bill was "a blatant assault upon civil liberties and the right to privacy."

Redress of Grievance Petitions Presented to Congress

On June 30, 2008, every US congressman/woman & senator will be presented with our national Redress of Grievance petition. Here's the link:
