
This political blog will share the politics behind the hidden agendas associated with big business, the military industrial complex, global elites, and other special interests. Obviously, individual freedom in America can not be achieved if these hidden agendas are implemented in part or full. In many cases, it will be shown that this type of political behavior will only serve this interests of a few at the expense of the rest of Americans. This political blog will also look at other relevant political discussions that shape or control our society.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Bush White House

Here are few things that went on with the Bush White House that was listed from a blogger that I just discovered today:

"Let me remind everyone what happened under the Bush Tyranny:
1.) Wiretapping
2.) illegal firing of lawyers who work for the attorney general’s office (non-bushies)
3.) letting people fend for themselves after the levies broke
4.) Not acting quick enough to lessen the damage of Katrina
5.) Not promoting the GI Bill that gives educational benefits to our war veterans
6.) Valerie Plame incident, CIA leak case with Scooter Libby
7.) Shooting a buddy in the face while hunting
8.) Ties to Enron, Alberto Gonzalez and Bush
9.) Rigging the YR 2000 election yr to win
10.) Using up all our nation’s budget leading to huge debt
11.) IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ: fake story to raise interest in invading Iraq for false reasons. Falsifying intelligence reports.
the list goes on!"

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